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Facts You Need To Know About Plantar Wart

· plantar wart,foot and ankle,specialist,singapore
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Warts of the foot and hand are quite prevalent, particularly among young people. Warts are given names to distinguish their location on the body. Warts on the hand and foot can appear in different places, and plantar warts usually appear on the bottom of the foot.

If you are experiencing this or know someone who is, there are known treatments such as plantar wart treatment administered by a professional foot and ankle specialist in Singapore.

Here are facts that you should know about this condition:

It is non-cancerous

A plantar wart is a viral infection that develops in the skin's top layer. HPV, also known as human papillomavirus, is the virus that has caused the condition. Some people believe that plantar warts are cancerous when they are benign. In truth, they do not cause any damage.

It is small in size

Plantar warts tend to be around the length of a pencil eraser, on average. Unfortunately, some warts will develop into much larger lesions, called mosaic warts, which are harder to remove.

If you are also experiencing itchy and burning skin, you may also ask your foot and ankle specialist in Singapore for a toenail fungus treatment.

It is often mistaken for a callus

A plantar wart is a growth on the skin that seems like a callus. In most cases, little black spots appear in the wart's centre. Blood arteries are supplying nutrients to the wart.

There are two kinds of warts—isolated, where there is just one wart, and grouped, in which there are multiple smaller warts nearby.

It is contagious

Like a fungal and bacterial infection, the plantar wart can spread from one person to another. In some cases, transmission is indirect. For example, a person who has a wart on their hand could pass it to another child by touching a surface and being touched in return.

It is why immediate plantar wart treatment or a toenail fungus treatment must be checked by a podiatrist immediately.

If you are looking for a trusted knee specialist in Singapore, you may visit East Coast Podiatry to know more about their treatments available.